Managed priority campaigns & restructured team operations


RepresentUs - America’s leading nonpartisan anti-corruption organization working to fix our broken system

Strategic Communications & Partnerships

role: Senior Manager


Lead and managed three can’t fail marketing campaigns which exceeded goals, chiefly American Democracy Summit.

Implemented marketing operations process to integrate email, paid ads, social, SMS, and marketing partnerships

Click to jump to campaign ⤵



Health care

with Sia


Update and launch a video about American health care created before the pandemic in 2023.

Forecasting the original 8-minute short film would not perform to standards, I recommended the creation of a cut down that has had 3x views the full-length film


Best Performing Instagram Post in Account History.

(at the time)

First Collab Post with a Celebrity.


Next Campaign: American Democracy Summit ↓




The premier left-right convening to solve American’s problems returns after it’s pandemic hiatus


Get 1,000 people excited enough about democracy to come to LA for 3 days.

Promo Reel

With attendance at in-person events still weak we knew it was a tough job to get people to come to LA

Marketing Partnerships

Created a comprehensive marketing toolkit to support 20 key partner organizations in marketing to their audiences

Partners included:

Marketing Dashboards to communicate the success of tactics to partners tracking ticket sales, press hits, web views, social and email engagement metrics.

Social Campaign

Onsite Content Capture

Jocelyn Benson, SOS Michigan

Danielle Allen, Harvard Professor

Ben Harper, Musican

Onsite Partner Activations

Post Event Highlight Reel

Next Campaign: End of Year Giving ↓






EOY Giving Campaigns weren’t a part of the RepUs marketing cadence until 2022


Raise $$$,$$$.

Reengage Donors.

Grow the Base.

In the second iteration of the campaign we leaned into what the data said worked and tried a few new tactics

Show, don’t tell.

This impact reel was the keystone of communicating to donors the highlights of what the organization accomplished in 2023.

And this video reminded them what needs to get done in 2024.

I coordinated capturing all of these interviews with democracy leaders while at American Democracy Summit to produce this.


This campaign tried new tactics:

Print Campaign 👍🏻

Facebook Fundraiser 👎🏻

Broadcast SMS for donations 👍🏻

This arm of the campaign included solicitation letters with hard and soft asks for both the C3 & C4 branches.

We also sent hand addressed holiday cards, because who doesn’t love getting mail?

Print Campaign

Social Campaign

Raised 5x as previous year.

Reengaged over 200 donors to the Active email list.

New To List 15,000.



EO Hub