As an organizations’ brand identity grows & changes, how does its communications reflect that?


Our Children’s Trust - The only law firm dedicated to advocating for youth harmed by climate change

Branding & Strategic Communications

role: Consultant


Once you get going on a project sometimes it takes you in directions you never expected.

This happened to Our Children’s Trust. The guts of their mission hadn’t changed but one of their cases, Youth v. Gov, gained a life of it’s own.

They needed help updating their main brand and determining how to engage with the unexpected sub-brand, Youth v. Gov.


Reconcile outdated primary brand & campaign brand differences while celebrating the qualities of each.

Create a brand identity that appeals to both Supreme Court Justices and youth climate activists.

Craft pitch for Board who aren’t media minded.

Services Provided:

Competitive Landscape & SWOT Analysis

Audience Definition & Persona Exercise

Brand Identity Development


They don’t teach marketing 101 in law school and Our Children’s Trust brand identity made that clear. Their logo was nearly 20 years old and their other digital communications also weren’t up to date with industry best practices.


Updated brands.

Adopted Youth v. Gov as official sub brand.

Roadmap for transition.

